High Performances Method: la tecnologia al servizio del benessere fisico

High Performance Method: Utilising Technology to Promote Physical Well-being

High Performances Method: an exclusive technology to help you feel fit

Forte Village Resort’s decades of experience have resulted in the development of a range of tools and a team of unique professionals dedicated to supporting athletes.

To boost athletic performance and improve overall well-being, the High Performance Method is one of the services available at the Forte Village Resort in Santa Margherita di Pula, located in the province of Cagliari. This method is a comprehensive set of tools offered by a team of professionals who are dedicated to helping athletes achieve their desired results.

The resort has extensive experience in sports, gained through working with professional athletes and high-level clubs and federations, including AC Milan, FISI, Ferrari, and Leeds United. Over the decades, they have developed unique software that is the true heart of the Assessment Lab.

The exclusive technology is designed to synergically coordinate all the screening equipment, resulting in highly accurate and reliable results for biomechanics, stabilometry, posture, and functional assessments. This data is then collected into an individual profile, which serves as a foundation for therapeutic training. The software provides clear and validated numerical perspectives, enabling interventions with precision and turning progress into undeniable numerical reality.

The High Performance Method includes:

  • Hpm Talent Garden

This set of tests evaluates fundamental trainable skills such as basic coordination skills, management of imbalances, perceptual qualities, and quality of movement.
This program is designed for young people who want to explore their talents and for those who haven’t yet decided which sports path to pursue.
Duration: 25 minutes

  • HPM Functional Evaluation

This assessment focuses on understanding each body’s functions, such as flexibility, reactivity, stability, core functionality, and column strength. It helps to become more aware of each physical state, potential attitudes and body knowledge. The evaluation can be used for rehabilitation, sports, or even preventive or maintenance purposes.
Duration: 50 minutes

  • Hpm Biomechanical Evaluation

This evaluation is designed for athletes of all levels and individuals seeking to recover from physical activity. Mobility and efficiency of the musculoskeletal system are assessed, including posture, movement dynamics, strength, reactivity, mobility, and management of sensory stimuli.
Duration: 80 minutes

Forte Village, the ultimate wellness resort

Santa Margherita di Pula provides the stunning backdrop for Forte Village, situated between the crystal clear waters of the blue sea and the pristine white sand beaches of Sardinia. This luxurious destination offers accessible luxury, privacy, comfort, entertainment, relaxation, sports, wellness, and body care, making it the perfect location for an unforgettable holiday on the island.

A real temple for wellness and fitness featuring a two-story gym equipped with modern state-of-the-art machinery. It offers an ideal environment for vacationers to exercise and focus, with large windows overlooking the picturesque scenery and allowing natural sunlight to filter in throughout the day.

The Fitzone of the Sports Area offers numerous possibilities to keep fit thanks to group workouts with the Total Body Workout, aqua gym and morning stretching classes.

But there’s more.

The Acquaforte Thalasso & Spa is a luxurious and sophisticated retreat that offers exceptional wellness experiences. It is considered a top destination in the global spa industry, where you can enjoy your time to the fullest and indulge in high-quality treatments that help you regain body and mind balance such as shiatsu massage, massophysiotherapy and thalasso therapy.

Would you like to indulge in some TLC and enjoy a wonderful vacation in a genuine paradise? Discover Forte Village Resort in Sardinia

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