Come festeggiare una Pasqua in modo sostenibile? Le scelte che fanno bene a te e all'ambiente

How to celebrate Easter sustainably? Here are some choices that are good for you and the environment

Celebrate Easter sustainably by taking care of yourself and the environment

Implementing strategies to look after the environment even during the holidays is essential to ensure sustainability and protect everybody’s health and well-being.

Today more than ever, the concept of “environmental sustainability” is growing strongly: the effects of climate change, the awareness of the impact that man has on the ecosystem, and the dissemination of precise scientific information have made clear the need to put in place concrete actions in favour of the environment and the planet.

This focus must increase during the holidays when it is easier to incur in high energy consumption, food waste and massive waste production.

It is, therefore, necessary to learn to enjoy festive moments with an eye to the environment and turn them into a precious opportunity to promote a sustainable lifestyle and responsible consumption, reduce waste and protect the only planet we have.

Let’s explore 10 practical tips to celebrate Easter in full respect of nature, under the motto “We are Green“.

How to celebrate Easter in a sustainable way

A few simple precautions are enough to ensure that the Easter holidays become environmentally friendly.

An ecological, green and sustainable Easter makes everyone happier.

  1. Reduce food waste: to avoid buying unnecessary or excess food, the first step is to draw up an accurate shopping list marking only what you really need and scrupulously follow it;
  2. Choose locally sourced products: for an Easter menu friendly to nature, it is important to opt for local, seasonal and zero-kilometre products. In this way, transport-related pollution is reduced and you are guaranteed to bring healthy and nutritious food to the table;
  3. Ban plastic: one of the main enemies of the environment is plastic. Let’s avoid it from the get-go opting for reusable bags when shopping and preparing the table using re-usable, compostable or biodegradable products, tablecloths and fabric napkins instead of disposable items;
  4. Choose recyclable or re-usable decorations: to decorate the house for Easter and Easter Monday, you should give free rein to creativity with natural materials such as wood, paper and fabric or ribbons, buttons and bows;
  5.  Yes to solidarity purchases: the Easter tradition wants great classics such as the chocolate egg and the Colomba. To protect the environment, we should choose fair-trade items that promote the well-being of the planet and local communities;
  6. Travel the eco-way: Easter weekend is ideal to disconnect from the hectic routine and enjoy a holiday or a trip out of town. To be sustainable, leave the car behind and move by public transport, on foot or by bicycle: zero emissions of harmful gases;
  7. Ecological cleaning: doing a bit of “spring cleaning”? To thoroughly renew and refresh the house is great to rediscover the ancient “grandmother’s remedies” that avoid chemical ingredients. To prepare at home a great all-purpose cleaner you just need Marseille soap flakes, warm water, white vinegar and baking soda;
  8. Respect nature: a picnic in the meadows or a walk in the woods must not cause any disturbance to wildlife and the delicate ecosystem. It is forbidden to leave waste around, collect protected plant species and use plastic materials;
  9. Self-care in harmony with nature: even the beauty routine for the holidays can be environmentally friendly. Purchasing lotions, detergents and perfumes in refillable packages, cruelty-free products, washable and reusable make-up remover pads, and bamboo toothbrushes. In addition, you should use only the minimum amount of water needed for showering or brushing your teeth, avoid “single-use” items and choose clothes and underwear in organic and natural fabric, such as cotton or linen;
  10. Treat yourself to a relaxing green holiday: the Easter holidays are the perfect time for a great holiday away from everyday stress. A truly unique location is Forte Village, an award-winning international resort with accessible, green and sustainable luxury, embraced by the crystal clear sea of Sardinia and immersed in the scent of the Mediterranean scrub.

For Easter 2023, the resort offers an exclusive holiday package for those who want to spend unforgettable days surrounded by the spring greenery, the island’s warm sun, a sumptuous menu with rich local, Italian and international selections, cutting-edge sports activities and wellness in one of the most renowned thalasso & spa centres in the world. 

Would you like to enjoy a dream holiday in a true paradise? Discover Forte Village Resort’s Easter 2023 offer in Sardinia

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