Theatre lessons for children: 10 important benefits

Theatre lessons for children: the right place to grow-up well

Learning while having fun is the best way to grow, theatre lessons for children can be good for stimulating creativity, incrementing self esteem and it also helps to build and improve relations with others.

The theatre laboratory for children is a passionate, learning experience which has found place in the Children’s Wonderland at Forte Village, the award-winning resort located in Santa Margherita di Pula, south Sardinia, an area dedicated to interactive and sport activities for younger generations.

Theatre helps children overcome their shyness and fears, it helps them develop consciousness and the mental strength to face daily issues. Perhaps they will grow up to be famous actors like Alexis Bledel, know for her part playing the role of Rory Gilmore in the television series Gilmore Girls.

Alexis won an Emmy Award as best actress Guest Star in the series The Handmaid’s Tale in 2017, and said in many interviews how theatre helped her overcome her excessive shyness.

Bledel started by taking theatre lessons when she was 8 years old and before entering the world of fashion, and later television, she was part of local productions like Our Town and the Wizard of Oz.

Let’s see together the 10 reasons that make the theatre lessons for children help to grow individually and socially.

Theatre lessons for children: 10 reasons for it being good for little ones

The theatre lessons for children are a unique experience that help the little ones along their growing process. Here are ten important beneficial reasons explaining why theatrical activities are good for the little ones.

1. Learn how to control emotion: the theatre lessons for children are a valid instrument to help them cope with the world with more strength, overcome the fear of speaking in public and know how to deal with emotions in order to become confident adults.

2. Improves relations: theatre is a group sport, a place of learning and sharing, where children can improve their socializing capacities and improve relations between one another. Theatre helps children overcome their fears but it also helps to calm the exuberant spirits of those always wanting to be at the center of attention.

3. Knowing our body: theatre is first of all a body language, doing theatrical activities for children also leads to improving non-verbal communication which includes all movements, hand signs, expressions and postures, which alone or with words allow us to communicate with others. By doing specific exercises, children can become more conscientious of their body and learn how to “give voice” even to scares or worries which would otherwise remain unspoken.

4. Aesthetics and space: it’s important to cultivate an aesthetic and creative sense since a tender age, educating small children about beauty is one of the objectives at the theatre lessons. Theatrical activities stimulate the imagination because children can contribute in making the stenographies and can have fun with makeup and the outfits of each character. A theatre course teaches how to organize the space around oneself, therefore how to respect the space between us and others.

5. The importance of voice and breathing: theatre is the ideal place to practice preverbal language, meaning the way something is said. This kind of communication includes the tone of voice, the velocity, the volume and the voiceprint, all elements that children can learn to control with theatrical practice. Theatre also helps the children to expand their vocabulary, correct their pronunciation and improve their mnemonic capacities and their breathing.

6. The responsibility: acting also means learning a script by heart, being attentive to body language and to words, sharing a space with other people, respecting the companions who will perform on stage and the public assisting the show. With theatre, children can learn about the individual and collective responsibility, therefore also the concept of freedom.

7. Understating others: studying characters, developing empathy and living many different lives is an excellent way of learning about oneself, eliminate common beliefs and stereotypes that feed dangerous judgements.

8. Expand self esteem: going in stage for children, facing the public and the judgement of others, showing their own emotions and putting themselves to trial stimulates self esteem and contributes to a more balanced and happy growth.

9. Trust: there are a series of exercises to stimulate the relations with companions in the didactic laboratory scenario, theatre teaches children how to trust the people surrounding them. Among the most common exercises there is a test in which the participants of the lesson are divided into pairs and they need to let themselves fall backward into the arms of the companion behind them. After each “fall”, the couples are mixed to allow everyone to repeat the exercise with each of the students.

10. Stimulates change: theatre is educational, it has a therapeutic function and stimulates change in opposition to creating habits. Children following a theatre course will be able to face new situations with less effort and will be able to abandon routines easily.


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