fiorello show forte village

The Fiorello show comes to Forte Village Resort

Fiorello Show: the unmissable show of every day life in Italy comes to Forte Arena

Rosario Fiorello will return to the Resort in Santa Margherita di Pula on the 20th of July 2019 at 21:15 with a new exclusive Fiorello Show.

After having inaugurated the Forte Arena in June 2016 with the lucky show “Forte Fortissimo”, Fiorello will return to Forte Village Resort with another fantastic show on Saturday evening 20th July, 2019.

The most loved showman in Italy is ready to surprise his public with a performance of which he is the absolute protagonist.

Italy becomes the scene of the new Fiorello Show: a national exhibition made of monologues, sketches, gags and moments of pure improvisation, talking about the simple yet contradictory every day life in Italy. The habits, virtues, merits and defects of Italy, brought to the stage with a notion of actuality and personal experiences of Fiorello’s private life. An unmissable show guided by the distinctive funny irony and authenticity of the Sicilian showman.

Irony is not the only component of the show: like in every performance of this genius, the show at Forte Arena will be fully charged of humanity, another distinctive feature of the performer. Rosario Fiorello manages to connect directly with the spectators by using his spontaneity and simplicity in a funny yet contemplative and sharp manor.

Featured on Rai and Edicola Fiore, Fiorello is an exceptional Italian artist: animator, television conductor, radio host, singer, actor and imitator. An extravagant personality but also modest, capable of thrilling adults and children with passion and uncommon empathy.

The show taking place on the 20th of July 2019 at Forte Village Resort was created and written by Rosario Fiorello himself, in collaboration with Francesco Bozzi, Pierluigi Montebelli and Federico Taddia. During the show at Forte Arena he will not be alone: he will be accompanied by his band, directed by Maestro Enrico Cremonesi.

The show will amplify the already rich program of appointments at Forte Arena including: the Russian Ballet “Sleeping beauty” and the great show “Life is musical”, also a concert by Eros Ramanzotti on the 10th of August.

The tickets for the show held in the natural amphitheater of Santa Margherita di Pula are already available at Box office Sardegna (, TicketOne ( and in all other authorized selling points.

Would you like to be immersed in the beauty of the Sardinian sea and have an unforgettable vacation full of wellness, relax and flavor? Discover Forte Village Resort in Sardinia.


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