Grease, the musical: the energy of rock'n roll at Forte Arena

Grease, the musical: the energy of rock’n roll at Forte Arena

The theater under the stars at Forte Village Resort presents Grease, the musical

The appointments at Forte Arena continue: on August 6, 2022, it’s time for Grease, the musical that has made three generations dance

A summer love story, unforgettable rock and roll songs and overwhelming choreography: these are the elements that have made Grease one of the most popular phenomena of the last 40 years.

Since its release in 1978, the movie has entered the common imagination. And for 25 years, the musical – created by Jim Jacobs and Warren Casey – has been repeated throughout Italy by the Compagnia della Rancia, recreating all the original atmosphere. The numbers speak for themselves: since 1997, more than 1800 reruns and over 1,870,000 spectators.

It is an unforgettable event, which arrives in Sardinia on Saturday 6 August. The location is suggestive: Forte Arena, the open-air theater at Forte Village Resort surrounded by the beautiful nature of Santa Margherita di Pula, in the province of Cagliari.

Grease, the musical is an intergenerational cult

Few things have crossed the generations, and Grease is one of the, making even the youngest ones fall in love. That’s why the show that will be staged on Saturday 6 August at the theater under the stars at Forte Village Resort is for everyone, young and old. Not for nothing, during the 25 years of well-deserved success, Grease by the Compagnia della Rancia, directed by Saverio Marconi, received applause from many Italian audiences.

With this musical, every theater becomes a party: it is impossible to stay still on the seats! Grease is a hymn to friendship, to the unforgettable loves of adolescence. Obviously, the generation that most appreciates it is that of the 1980s. They find nostalgic memories related to the movie and the unforgettable soundtrack (how can one remain indifferent when songs like “Summer Nights” and “You’re the One That I Want” start?), a timeless love story, rebellious tufts , 50s leather jackets and full skirts.

The movie is a real pop phenomenon, still alive in our daily aesthetics, with characters who have become generational icons. One of these is Danny Zuko, who is played by Simone Sassudelli in the musical. Born in 1995, he studied at the SDM – Scuola del Musical in Milan and in the United States, where he attended some of the best theater academies. He has worked in major productions such as West Side Story, Victor Victoria, The Producers, Oliver. Then, there is Sandy, played by Francesca Ciavaglia, a graduate of Shawna Farrell’s Bernstein School of Musical Theater in Bologna, in her first leading role.

In short, Grease is a timeless classic, which lives on in the show of the Compagnia della Rancia. Tickets for August 6th at Forte Arena are available on Box Office Sardegna channels and on TicketOne.

Grease: a few things you may not know

Not everyone knows that Grease is the most successful musical in the history of cinema. It cost $ 6 million, but has collected $ 394,955,690 globally. At the time it ranked first in the ranking of the most viewed movies both in the US and in Italy, where it collected the equivalent of around 18 million euros.

Additionally, the film received 5 1979 Golden Globe nominations and a the Oscar Nomination for Best Song (“Hopelessly Devoted To You”) to John Farrar.

In 1982 a sequel was released, Grease 2, with a different cast but it was not very successful.

Do you want to attend the Grease musical and experience a dream vacation in a real paradise? Discover the Forte Village Resort in Sardinia.

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