che cos'è il netball?

Netball: a team sport like basketball

Netball: the story of a sport for women Popular in Australia, New Zealand and the Commonwealth, netball is a sport similar to basketball, played by two teams of seven players each and practised mainly on a female level. The origin of this famous team sport in Anglo-Saxon countries is linked to the history of basketball: netball was invented two days after basketball, in 1891, when the colleagues of James Naismith, teacher and ...

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Basketball: rules and secrets of one of the most loved sports in the world

Basketball: the story behind one of the most famous team sports "Basketball is the only sport aiming to the sky. For this reason, it's revolutionary for those used to constantly looking at the ground". Said former Boston Celtics basketball player William Felton "Bill" Russell, NBA captain who won many titles (with a team and in absolute), and is among the 50 best players in 50 years of the NBA. Basketball is a ...

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Ottobre è Sport e Family Festival: la lunga estate della Sardegna

October is Sport & Family Festival: a long summer in Sardinia

Summer at Forte Village doesn’t end in September: here’s a rich program of events and activities for the Sport & Family Festival in October A whole week dedicated to sports, adventure, yet relaxation, taste and so much entertainment. It’s Sport & Family Festival, the event for families by Forte Village scheduled from October 26 to November 2, 2024. Extending the carefree and magical summer season at least for a few more days, ...

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Sardinia ITF Tournaments 2024: il grande tennis al Forte Village

Sardinia ITF Tournaments: great tennis returns to Forte Village

The red tennis court of Tennis Academy ASD by Forte Village becomes the stage for the exciting matches of Sardinia ITF Tournaments From September 16 to October 27, 2024, Sardinia ITF Tournaments return to Forte Village with six combined tennis tourneys and a rich prize money of €300.000 overall. Twelve tournaments arranged and managed by the ITF (International Tennis Federation) and a total prize money of €300.000 (€25.000 for each combined tourney), one of the most ...

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Attività indoor: ecco perché praticarle anche d'estate e dove

Indoor activity: here’s why and where you should practice sport in summer

Summer and sport: why should you prefer indoor activity in the hottest season? In summer temperatures can go extreme, making it uncomfortable and even dangerous to practice sport outdoor. However, this must not be a limit to your will to keep fit and active; indeed, indoor activity can be a great alternative to keep practicing sport in summer and disconnect for a while from your daily routine. With the arrival of summer, the opportunities ...

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Arrampicata e bambini: consigli per iniziare e benefici

Climbing and children: all the benefits and tips for beginners

Climbing is a complete, safe and satisfying sporting activity to practice since childhood Adventure, fun and sociability, but also more balance and flexibility as well as greater coordination and problem-solving ability: climbing can bring numerous benefits like these for the psycho-motor development of children. Pediatricians and experts of development age agree that physical activity, when practiced from childhood, can contribute significantly to the physical and cognitive development of children, as well as ...

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Pasqua 2024 al Forte Village: perché scegliere il sud dell’Isola

Easter 2024 at ForteVillage: why choose the south of the island

Well-being, entertainment and relaxation: this is Easter at ForteVillage A crystal clear sea, ancient fascinating traditions and a unique welcome make Southern Sardinia the perfect destination to spend the Easter holidays. Much awaited by adults and children alike, the Easter holidays represent a unique opportunity to break the routine of everyday life and experience moments of pure relaxation and lightheartedness with your loved ones. Speaking of, the south of Sardinia is the perfect ...

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Gioielli sardi tra storia, leggende e tradizioni

Sardinian jewellery, a mix of history, legends and traditions

Sardinian jewellery, excellences appreciated all over the world A journey to discover Sardinian jewellery, a mix of charm, myths and traditions that recount this region’s history. In the heart of beautiful Sardinia lies a fascinating and unique history of craftsmanship that is intertwined with the traditions, culture and soul of this land: shaped by centuries of history and encounters with different peoples, it represents a vibrant sign of creativity and dedication. Through ...

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Vino e cibo: le regole per l’abbinamento perfetto

Wine and food: the rules to create perfect pairings

How to perfectly pair wine with dishes Pairing wine and food is the secret to transforming a simple meal into a symphony of flavours for the palate. September is a special month in Sardinia, the time when nature is preparing to give one of its most precious treasures: grapes. And the grape harvest, a millenary rite, represents the deep bond that the beautiful island has with history and culture. The harvest is much ...

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L'appuntamento con i tornei di Tennis ITF è in Sardegna

The ITF Tennis tournaments in Sardinia

ITF Tennis tournaments return to Santa Margherita di Pula From 18th September to 30th October 2023, the ASD Tennis Academy of Forte Village Resort will host the ITF international tennis tournaments. From September 18th to October 30th, the ASD Tennis Academy of Forte Village, a luxurious resort located in the beautiful Caribbean sea of Sardinia, will host the ITF international tennis tournaments. This event is organised by the ASD Forte Village Sports ...

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Casa Zapata a Barumini: un polo museale unico nel suo genere

Casa Zapata in Barumini: a unique museum complex.

Casa Zapata in Barumini: the fascinating Hispanic architecture building home to an important museum complex The museum complex now houses the ethnography, history and archaeology sections, in a location that has been a centre of power since prehistoric times. Sardinia has a lot to offer in addition to a crystalline sea and fabulous beaches thanks to a hinterland rich in beautiful landscapes, tradition, culture and history. In the heart of the Marmilla area, ...

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Pasqua gastronomica: storia e sapori della tavola sarda

Foodie Easter: history and flavours of the Sardinian table

The Sardinian table’s typical flavours for Easter A culinary journey to discover the dishes that enrich the Sardinian table on the Easter holidays. Sardinia boasts a thousand-year history and strong traditions that are also reflected during the Easter holidays when, the engaging rites of Holy Week, are accompanied by the typical flavours and aromas. Many dishes relate to Easter in Sardinia, one of the most heartfelt festivals on the island, and vary not ...

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Weekend di Pasqua e Pasquetta in Sardegna: perché scegliere l’isola?

Easter weekend and Easter Monday in Sardinia: why you should choose the island?

Easter and Easter Monday in Sardinia: all the charm of the Easter weekend on the island Enjoying a holiday in Sardinia for Easter weekend and Easter Monday means finally disconnecting from the routine and recharging. The long Easter weekend is the best time to finally disconnect from everyday routine and enjoy precious moments of well-being and relaxation to regenerate and recharge your batteries. A perfect destination is undoubtedly Sardinia, a beautiful island with ...

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Pasqua in Sardegna: l'offerta del Forte Village

Easter in Sardinia: the offer from Forte Village

Spend Easter 2023 amongst the beauty of the Sardinian south coast at Forte Village Resort The Easter holidays are the perfect time to enjoy a few days of relaxation and well-being in full comfort at Forte Village Resort. Easter is the ideal time to take a break from the routine and treat yourself to a relaxing holiday dedicated to well-being in a truly dreamy and exclusive location like the Forte Village Resort ...

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