watersports, sport acquatici forte village

Watersports: All the activities at the Boat House of Forte Village

Water sports: to practice water-sports on holiday by the sea at Forte Village is an unforgettable experience that allows both adults and children to challenge themselves and practice sport in a unique location, the place where the sport is a synonym for well-being and fun.

The Boat House on the beach of Forte Village is a paradise of water-sports, where enthusiasts can choose among many different ways to sail the beautiful Sardinian sea and live an incredible experience: catamaran, canoe, windsurf, dinghies and water bike.

Among the water-sports, in addition to those practiced in the pool like swimming, synchronized swimming, water polo, and diving, there are also rowing sports which include canoeing/kayaking and river canoeing, and also nautical ones that include sailing and windsurfing. All three categories are included in the Olympic games held in the summer and winter.

Pairing water and sport represents the perfect choice for all those who seek to take care of their body and mind because it allows to strengthen and tone their muscles without overloading the joints. Moreover, practicing water-sports diminishes the risk of diabetes and heart problems, lowers cholesterol, improves blood circulation and on top of that, the density of the water limits the risk of traumas and contusions.

Water-sports not only brings benefits to the physical health, but it also improves your mood by contrasting anxiety, relaxing the mind, fighting depression and stimulating the production of serotonin, also known as the “hormone of happiness”, which stimulates weight loss, improves the quality of sleep, memory, focus, learning capacity, and mood swings.

Water-sports: The top 10 activities at the Boat House at Forte Village

For parents that want to enjoy the incredible beaches and crystal-clear sea, organizing holidays with small children can become a real challenge. Indeed, choosing the right place is important, at the Forte Village in Sardinia, families can find a place to relax and have fun while doing sports. From wellness treatments like thalassotherapy at the SPA to the Sport Academy and water-sports, the resort offers its guests the opportunity to spend a really unforgettable vacation.

The coastal winds, crystal-clear sea and seabeds without rocks are the perfect scenario for fans of windsurfing and water skiing, while those who want to explore every corner of the blue Sardinian sea can find catamarans, canoes, pedal boats and many other means at the Boat House which are perfect for navigating the coastal waters. Moreover, for the entertainment of the little ones, there are also boats and dinghies of all types and sizes for them to enjoy.

Let’s find out what are the 10 most fun water-sports waiting for you at the Forte Village Resort:

  1. Catamaran: This boat is part of the group of the multihulls since it consists of two hulls connected by a bridge deck. The name derives from the union of kattu-maram, to tie, and maram, tree, two words that belong to the Tamil language spoken in India, Sri Lanka and Singapore. The catamarans were used by the Chola, one of the most important dynasties of the Tamil zone in India, to move the fleets needed to conquer Birmania, Indonesia and Malaysia.
  2. Windsurf: this is a sport activity among the sailing specialties that allows the windsurfer to use the wind on the sail to move the table, on which he stands, over water. The sail is fixed on a mast that is in turn fixed on the table through the mast foot, a transversal joint. The structure is completed by the boom, the fin and the cup or extension cord.
  3. Canoe: a category of boat that moves with the use of a paddle, an instrument composed of a central stem and of one or two shovels that immersed in water allows the canoeist to push the canoe in the water without the use of a mechanical force. The word has Caribbean origins and derives from the Canaanite term of the Taino language, an ancient population now extinct.
  4. Dinghy: a raft which falls under the category of paddle vessels, but unlike the canoe it’s characterised by two reinforced rubber tubes and valves for inflation and deflation. The dinghies can be completely disassembled or can have a rigid hull. Employed mainly as life-saving equipment, they have become mainstream since post-World War 2 and nowadays they are one of the most popular leisure activities.
  5. Pedalò: This vehicle also belongs to the boat category and its name, from the French pédalo, derives from the verb pédaler, which is pedaling. Georges-Henri Canton and Jean Eugène designed different models and registered the patent in 1936. The pedalò is characterized by two parallel hulls joined together by a frame to which a paddle wheel is connected, setting into motion the use of pedals and a lever that governs the rudder of the boat.
  6. Water Craft: also called personal Water Craft it is often referred to as PWC, Water Scooter or Jet Ski, it is a means of transport that is powered by an internal combustion engine. The watercraft is mainly used for rescue operations at sea, but are also used for sports activities such as flyboarding, a choreographic sport born in France in 2012.
  7. Water-skiing: the history of water skiing begins in 1928 with Ralph Samuelson who decided to combine the practices of snow skiing and surfing in one discipline. In water skiing, the skier is transported by a speedboat to which he is attached by a nylon rope in turn connected to a handle of iron covered with rubber, called a sling. The skis used change according to the sports specialty.
  8. Snorkeling: for lovers of the seabed interested in discovering the wonders of the aquatic world, snorkeling, from the English word snorkel, is the perfect sport. The equipment necessary to practice it includes a mouthpiece, a good mask and short fins – all useful tools for swimming on the surface while admiring life underwater.
  9. Sailing: Is among the oldest disciplines in the world. One of the first testimonies of this practice is that of the Greek historian Pausania who talks about a sailing competition, in honor of Dionysus, organized in the 2nd century BC at the Temple of Aphrodite in the municipality of Emioni. The boats equipped with sails can be both small and large and are manually controlled by crews of one or more persons.
  10. Kite surfing: Also known as kiteboarding or simply kite, is a variation of surfing born in 1999. In this sport, a board very similar to that used for surfing is mounted by the surfer who holds a cable tied to a kite that uses the propulsive action of the wind to move and tow the kite and driver. The kite is managed through a bar in turn connected to four or five cables of thin Dyneema, a particular synthetic fiber.

Do you want to live an unforgettable vacation in a real paradise of sport, wellness, and taste? Discover the Forte Village Resort in Sardinia.


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