Teqball: the new sport from Hungary

Teqball: a sport halfway between football and table tennis

A revolutionary sports equipment, a field similar to ping pong but curved, a football and a challenge to the last drop: Teqball is the new sport spreading in Italy and abroad.

Teqball is a simple and fun sport that combines elements of football with table tennis and, in addition to several world-class players, is attracting a new generation of athletes and amateur fans.

The game is represented internationally by the International Teqball Federation (FITEQ) and, after being added to the programs of the Asian Beach Games of 2021 and the European Games of 2023, aims to become an Olympic sport.

The FITEQ was officially recognized by the Olympic Committee of Asia (OCA) in August 2018, and a year later by the Association of National Olympic Committees of Africa (ANOCA). In November 2020, it became a full member of the Global Association of International Sports Federations (GAISF).

Teqball is played on an innovative curved table and divided in half by a compact net that ensures a perfect rebound of the ball to ensure a continuous and dynamic game. The aim of the game, just as it is in ping pong, is to send the ball over the net into the field of the opponent, touching it with any part of the body except hands and arms.

The sport has three variants: single, in pair or mixed with simple rules that do not provide any physical contact between players, both during matches and during training, which means that in Teqball, you can completely exclude injuries resulting from clashes or fallout. According to the official rules, sports equipment cannot be touched, further reducing the risk of accidents.

Invented in Hungary in 2012 by three football fans, former professional player Gábor Borsányi, Hungarian businessman György Gattyán and computer scientist Viktor Huszár, the Teqball was officially presented in Budapest on the 18th of October 2016 by former Brazilian footballer Ronaldinho, international ambassador of a sports discipline that in a few years has conquered more and more fans.

The first all-female team, Bellateq, was founded in 2020 by co-founders Nancy Avesyan, Margaret Osmundson and Carolyn Greco in California.

To better understand the scope and scope of the sports phenomenon and its diffusion, here are some numbers that tell the success of Teqball:

  • Estimated 4500 players in more than 100 countries;
  • 118 Established national federations;
  • over 2000 clubs worldwide;
  • Over 1700 arbitrators trained by the FITEQ;
  • 3 World Championships (2017, 2018, 2019);
  • Sport recognised by 3 Olympic Associations (OCA- Olympic Council of Asia, ANOCA- Association of National Olympic Committees of Africa, ONOC- Oceania National Olympic Committees);
  • FITEQ is a member of the GAISF – Global Association of International Sports Federations.

What are the rules of Teqball sport?

Here is a summary of the main rules of Teqball:

  • Teqball can be played with all types of outdoor soccer balls, however, the official and recommended ball size is the “5”;
  • Teqball can be played by two players (single game) or four players (doubles game);
  • The game consists of the best of the 3 sets unless it is regulated differently in the rules of that tournament. The player/team who first scores 20 points wins the set unless both players or teams score 19-19 points in the final set. Then the set is won by the first player/team that subsequently gains an advantage of 2 points;
  • each player/team has two attempts to complete a service successfully;
  • Players/teams change service after every four points;
  • it is forbidden to touch the ball with the same part of the body twice in a row;
  • it is forbidden to return the ball with the same part of the body twice in a row;
  • each player/team can return the ball with a maximum of 3 touches with any part of the body, except hands and arms;
  • In doubles, a team has a maximum of 3 touches, however, first there must be at least one exchange between players
  • Neither the table nor the opponent can be touched during the game.

Teqball: the sport of the future arrives at Forte Village

At Forte Village, the award-winning resort surrounded by the beautiful Sardinian sea, you can start the week with a morning workout of Teqball and discover the benefits of a sport that improves concentration, ability and physical endurance, helping the body and mind to keep in shape.

The Teqball is an addition to the already rich and varied offer for the guests at Forte Village, including large spaces, regulatory fields and the best coaches to allow adults and children to devote themselves to their favourite sport even on holiday.

Alongside the most popular sports, the resort offers courses in boxing, fencing, triathlon, water sports and much more: you can choose whether to discover a new discipline or continue with your regular training.

For athletes who can not give up competitive training, Forte Village also provides sports Academies with specific training courses and personalized sessions with great international champions.

Do you want to have a dream holiday in a paradise of sport and fun? Discover the Forte Village Resort in Sardinia

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