Cross training: che cos’è e quali sono i benefici

Cross training: what it is and what are the advantages

Cross training: what it is and what advantages it brings to those who practice it

Discovering the training that allows you to exercise by combining various sports disciplines to fully improve your general physical health.

Cross-training is a technique that allows you to improve your fitness levels by practising multiple sports disciplines, sometimes in contrast with each other, in the same sitting.

Those who practice it will range between disciplines by constantly training the cardio-respiratory system, the hormonal response to physical exercise and varying the muscle areas involved every day.

Cross-training aims to increase the athlete’s total physical performance and, at the same time, the performance of the target sport avoiding boredom due to repetitive training. 

It is increasingly appreciated in gyms because it allows you to exercise weak points thanks to intensive and functional training: functional movements are inspired by natural movements (such as jumping, throwing, and running) and are aimed at effectively stimulating all muscle groups.

The peculiarity of Cross training is to vary movements and to practice a wide range of high-intensity functional exercises without following specialised and fixed patterns. 

This way those who have good levels of cardio fitness will be able to enhance muscle strength and speed while those who already practice bodybuilding will have the opportunity to stimulate the cardio-respiratory system and go to balance resistance, reflex speed and strength.

This system is not only useful for professional athletes but also for those who approach the world of fitness to improve their body composition, in fact, overweight people can effectively reduce body weight and accumulated fat by combining two or more activities in a cross-training routine.

A Cross training session consists of a warm-up phase, an intense exercise phase and a stretching phase. The aspects that make this type of training unique are:

  • Visible results in a short time: the progress of a cross-workout is seen day by day in those who follow a constant workout of about three times a week (whatever the intensity);
  • The duration of the workouts: short, about 30 minutes at least three times a week, ideal for those with little free time;
  • The aforementioned differentiation of exercises: each session is different and prevents you from getting bored while enjoying a new workout every time.

The beneficial effects of Cross training

Numerous benefits derive from the constant practice of Cross training starting from an improvement in aerobic and anaerobic resistance to the increase in muscle strength, the decrease in overtraining thanks to the diversification of training, up to the prevention of injuries since it spreads the stress caused by the identical stresses of the muscles and joints that are typical of “monothematic” sports.

In addition, practising Cross-training produces a feeling of well-being for the mind thanks to the continuous variation of sports activity. Every day, it allows you not to get bored but to always be subjected to different stimuli.

It is, therefore, a complete activity, suitable for everyone, that fully improves physical abilities by significantly increasing respiratory and cardiovascular resistance, strength, muscular endurance, elasticity, balance and coordination, speed and muscle tone.

Cross-training Academy by Under Armour at Forte Village

Forte Village, the award-winning resort in the embrace of the white beaches of Sardinia and its sea in Santa Margherita di Pula, is ideal for those who want to continue training even on vacation thanks to the numerous Sports Academies that know how to meet all needs. The Sailing Academy, new in 2023, the Rugby Academy, the Dance Academy for dance enthusiasts,   the Climbing Academy to discover climbing, the Bike Academy and many others, for all ages.

In addition, the new Crosstraining Academy by Under Armour, which specialises in the high-intensity and constantly varied Crosstraining method, is perfect for enjoying the benefits of holiday sports. You can also choose between individual and group lessons led by certified instructors.

Would you like to practice Cross training and enjoy an unforgettable holiday in a true paradise between wellness, relaxation and wonderful flavours? Discover Forte Village Resort in Sardinia.


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