tronchetto della felicità

Yucca: the plant of happiness that grows in the Forte Village garden

From Forte Village to your apartment: how to grow Yucca

The Forte Village park is home to myriads of Mediterranean bushes and flowers, exotic vegetation, 15,000 trees and 2 million plants. Yucca, also known as Trunk of Happiness, is one of them.

Yucca is the name of a genus of succulent herbaceous plants belonging to the Asparagaceae family, more precisely to the Agavoideae subfamily. It is native to dry tropical climate regions, such as Mexico, California and the Caribbean. In fact, flor de izote, the flower of the Yucca Elephantipes or Yucca Guatemalensis, is the national flower of the Republic of El Salvador.

The genus includes over 50 species of trees and shrubs that in nature can reach 15-20 m in height. Usually, they have a cylindrical stem with an arboreal and not very branched bearing. Of course, the various species can have different shapes and needs. However, they share the same foliage gathered in thick tufts at the top of the stem. The leaves are persistent and rigid, with a smooth and thorny edge at the apex. In summer, adult plants produce small white or cream bell-shaped flowers, gathered in large terminal panicles.

Usually, the leaves of the Trunk of Happiness are beautifully green. However, some yuccas have variegated ones, with yellow or white stripes. This is why this plant has a great aesthetic and ornamental value and is perfect for hedges or to decorate terraces. Moreover, Yucca is one of the most common indoor plants. In this case, it does not exceed 1.5-2 m in height. But it can absorb toxic substances in the air, such as benzene and ammonia compounds.

Growing it indoors, at home or in the office, is easy because it is an undemanding and durable plant. It needs a bright environment, away from heat sources and direct sunlight. Watering should not be excessive during the cold season to prevent roots from rotting. In the winter months it is also better to spray demineralized water on the leaves every 2-3 days. The plant tolerates thermal changes well but prefers temperatures of max 18-20 ° C. It lives well even in unheated environments.

During the growing season – between March and October – it is good to water the Yucca abundantly. Just make sure the soil to dry between one watering and the next to avoid water stagnation. The best soil for the Yucca is compact, dry, breathable and well drained. It is better if consisting of equal parts peat and sand. For the fertilizer, choose one for green plants, rich in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (during the vegetative period, mix it with the watering every 15-20 days).

A perfect holiday at Forte Village, between the Mediterranean garden and the turquoise sea

At Forte Village the respect for the environment coincides with the respect and the well-being of guests. Indeed, they can enjoy the freshness, opulence and purity of nature by strolling in the splendid garden of the resort, through the maritime pines that seem to touch the sky, the scent of eucalyptus in the air, and the lively shades of tropical plants that color the landscape. Here, is also the elegant Yucca which contrasts with the majesty of the palm trees and the slender harmonic bamboos.

Forte Village is located in one of the most beautiful stretches of Sardinia’s southern coast. It offers different accommodations to meet the different needs of couples, families and friend-groups: 8 elegant five and four star hotels, refined suites and 13 luxury villas with extra services, such as butler, chef or chauffeur.

In this affordable luxury resort, guests can experience the benefits of exclusive spa treatments. Furthermore, they can discover the most interesting trends in national and international cuisine. They can also go shopping in the boutiques of the most prestigious fashion brands. And finally, they can practice their favorite sport or try new ones.

But Forte Village Resort is also a place suitable for children. Here they can enjoy games and activities at the Wonderland area. This is a safe, secure and reliable environment, where they can socialize and make new friends under the eye of the staff, trained and certified by Worldwide Kids. This is the world leader in childcare services and facilities in the tourism sector.

In addition, children and teenagers can improve their technique in team and individual sports. In fact, they can train with the great international champions as their exceptional coaches at the sports Academies.

Do you want to live a dream vacation in a real paradise? Discover the Forte Village Resort in Sardinia.

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