master hotel business school forte village e luiss

Master Hotel Business School: the 5 star education at Forte Village

Hotel Business School: the project developed by Forte Village and LUISS Business School

The Hotel Business School, a project begun in 2008 with a partnership between Forte Village and the LUISS Business School of Rome, has the objective of grooming future professionals in hospitality by organizing courses, masters, seminars and events.
The Hotel Business School has become a reference for all those dreaming of working in Italian national and international five star hospitality. The organization is now promoting the 12th edition of Master in Five Stars Hotel Management and the second edition of Master in Food & Wine Operations Management, with the aim of educating professionals with a high profile in the sectors of food and wine.
The Master in Five Stars Hotel Management is one of the most influential masters in the world, recognized by Eduniversal in the Master in Hospitality Management category.
The formation course is conducted entirely in English, it not only involves professional teachers in each subject, but it also has partnerships with prestigious national and international hotels. The recorded placement rate is up to 100% and over 200 trained managers from the previous editions now work all over the world. Both masters of the Hotel Business School will start in November 2019, there is a limited number of places, including some places accessible with scholarship, and candidates are accepted through a selection process.


Hotel Business School: the education offered by Forte Village

In reality, the Hotel Hospitality industry needs young dynamic, highly qualified Hotel Managers that desire a challenge and have the ability to manage the organizational, technical and operational aspects to the high standards expected in the hotel world today.
The preparation of the young talents of tomorrow is a true mission for the Hotel Business School of Forte Village which has developed two master’s courses: the Master in Five Stars Hotel Management and the Master in Food & Wine Operations Management.
Let’s see in detail the two masters courses which will start in November 2019.


Master in Five Stars Hotel Management

  • Closed number, reaching a total of 24/26 students; the duration of the course is 11 months divided in two parts: 5 months in classroom and 6 months of stage organized in a 5 star hotel in Italy or abroad. Collaboration with Cornell University, the prestigious American university, will provide two highly innovative educational modules: the CRASE and the CHESS.
  • The CRASE module (Cornell Restaurant Administration Simulation Exercise), exclusively for Italy, will provide a virtual simulation that allows students to test themselves in the management of a restaurant, meanwhile the CHESS module (Competitive Hospitality Educational Simulation Series) is an interactive simulation of the management of a hotel in real time.
  • Renewed course content for each edition maintains the strong features that made the course a success.
  • The program has a practical “cut”, geared towards providing skills that can be used immediately in the job market: the collaboration with teachers and top managers from high standard businesses and international success; outdoor team building activities; tour study trips to prestigious exhibitions of hospitality and 5 star hotels; cross training on the job: for two weeks more or less, during the Easter vacations. In April 2020, students will have the possibility to work in preparation for their stage, participating in the Food & Beverage, Kitchen, Rooms Division, Housekeeping, Service & Leisure departments at the Forte Village.

“The high demand of specialized professionals in tourism has constant growth, especially in luxury environments, which has had a leading role for the entire industry for years. The Master – says Lorenzo Giannuzzi, CEO and General Manager at Forte Village, now in its 12th edition, is an innovative solution for hotels which need to face the complexity of a tourism system continuously evolving and which requires excellence in numerous areas of competence”

Master in Food & Wine Operations Management

  • Closed number for a total of 18/20 students; 800 hours in total, full time; lessons with professionals of the sector: chefs and sommeliers of international fame, managers, university professors and consultants; the lessons are divided between operation and management with a total of 300 hours plus in addition a project work of 40 hours, cross-training for 10 days at Forte Village. The work experience stage is of variable duration, from 3 to 6 months, at important companies of the sector including Michelin starred restaurants and luxury hotels; outdoor initiatives at chain supply companies; focus on wine and beverage professions (sommelier, taster, winemaker assistant, producer and merchant of artisanal wine and beer canteens, wine company merchants) and food areas (restaurant manager, chef assistant, kitchen assistant, maitre, merchant or consultant in the food company)
  • All information on the education offered at the Hotel Business School is available on the website: and on Facebook or LinkedIn profiles.

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