theodor falser chef stellati

Theodor Falser: Michelin starred chef and gourmet recipes at Forte Village

Theodor Falser: the South Tyrolean chef comes to Forte Village

Food should be a sensorial journey through new flavors and aromas, this journey can commence at Forte Village with Indian cuisine by Vivek Singh, the creativity of Heinz Beck and the culinary art by Theodore Falser who visited the resort on the 28th, 29th and 30th of August.

In summertime the marvelous stars cover the sky over Forte Village while below you can enjoy the cuisine of Michelin starred chefs including Theodor Falser, a Celebrity chef at the resort and exponent of national and international cuisine.

Falser is chef at the Johannesstube restaurant in the Engel Hotel near Nova Levante in Alto Adige, not far from Bolzano. Falser’s cuisine focuses on local products and southern Tyrolean traditions. His recipes always include fresh ingredients to make a healthy and authentic result, his inspiration comes from antique recipes making his cuisine unconventional.

Theodor Falser’s gourmet cuisine is revolutionary, it enhances the aromas and flavors found in Mother Nature and respects the seasonal availability of each ingredient, valorizing its characteristics.

The chef uses only naturally grown and matured products, no human manipulation so to respect nature’s course. Human relations are also important for the chef, the farmers, and producers who grow the treasures of local biodiversity which are exalted in Theodor Falser’s cuisine.

The recipes are the result of conscious and sustainable practice, mixing knowledge of the old with ongoing research into cooking methods which must not, in any case, change the flavor of the high-quality ingredients.

Theodor Falser: nature’s role in the Michelin starred chefs cuisine

Theodor Falser’s cuisine is a sensorial journey through authentic flavors and prime ingredients. His main focus is nature, he promises to astonish the clients at Forte Village with the objective “To create the best culinary experience and everlasting memories for my guest”.

Therefore the chef will create unforgettable experiences for his guests, memories of flavor and unique aromas like those of the wild herbs, the sweetness, and colors of berries, vegetables fresh from the garden and high quality meats from selected biological farms.

Nature is at the center of Falser’s dishes who makes the perfect encounter between tradition and innovation. A unique style allowing the diner to know and appreciate the delights provided by Mother Nature. Food doesn’t only feed the body, it feeds the soul.

Falser used this gastronomical philosophy as the base for his Taste Nature project, extraordinary experience to be had in the south Tyrolean woodlands, discovering local food and wines while surrounded by nature which is the star of the show.

The recipes of the chef are inspired by the enchanted woodland full of century old trees where the air is pure, ready to host a gourmet fable.

Before being rewarded a Michelin star, Theodor Falser worked in Dubai, Ecuador, Bermuda, Oman, China and Malaysia. A career starting at the age of 15 as an apprentice and pursued at the C.I.A, Culinary Institute of America, and at the Cornell University, where he learnt different cooking theories and techniques before returning to his base in Alto Adige to lead the kitchen team at the Johannesstube restaurant.

Genuiness, creativity, ethics and the harmony of the dish, Theodor Falser has chosen to feature in his recipe the prime products from south Tyrol “rediscovering old forgotten recipes, proposing dishes with a decisive and balanced flavor”. For the guests at Forte Village, he has created marinated sea bass with Salicornia juice and vegetables.

“To taste nature and concentrate on the rich prime products from my land. This is how I define my cuisine, I have rediscovered old recipes, probably forgotten, and I propose decisive and balanced flavors”.

Marinated sea bass with Salicornia juice and vegetables


Extract the juice from the fresh Salicornia and marinate the sea bass with lemon, EVO oil, salt, pepper, chili and a tiny bit of Salicornia juice. Lay out the bass in a ring and add a quenelle of char caviar. Decorate well with flowers and the fermented vegetables, add the Salicornia juice at the last moment.

Ingredients for 4 people:

  • 100 gr sea bass fillet cut into cubes
  • 100 gr Salicornia 3/4 passed in the juicer
  • 1 lemon
  • 50 gr EVO (extra virgin olive) oil
  • 1 fresh chili
  • 20 gr char caviar
  • 80 gr fermented vegetables from the garden
  • Flowers

Would you like to discover the cuisine by Theodore Falser and have an unforgettable vacation in a true paradise? Discover Forte Village Resort In Sardinia.  


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