Terry Giacomello: Michelin starred celebrity chef at Forte Village

Terry Giacomello: the Michelin starred chef at Forte Village

A vacation surrounded by uncontaminated nature and dedicated to sunshine, blue sea and wellbeing treatments, must not lack the satisfaction of discovering new flavours, especilly those proposed to the guests at Forte Village from the 1st to the third of September by the Michelin starred chef, Terry Giacomello.

Under thenight stars at Forte Village in Sardinia, you will find other kinds of stars: the great interpreters of national and international cuisine, including the gourmet cuisine of Terry Giacomello, chef of the Inkiostro restaurant in Parma.

Giacomello’s cuisine recalls the flavors of far away lands, his recipes are mastered by the perfect combination of taste and creativity, taking the client on a journey around the world with every bite.

The objective of his recipes is to surprise patrons by playing with their perception of each plate, using high-quality ingredients and creating well-structured dishes. The research and innovation behind every recipe, truly make Terry Giacomello’s culinary expression a work of art.


baccala chef terry giacomello forte village

Terry Giacomello: story behind creativity and research of the Michelin starred chef

Terry Giacomello was born in Friuli in 1969, he started his culinary adventure at the age of 13 at his family’s inn. His mother, Wanda, taught him the secret of preparing flavorous simple food.

His education started at the Hotel school followed by some professional experiences after which he traveled the world to discover new techniques working in some important kitchens: in France with Marc Veyrat and Michel Bras, in Brazil with Atala and Helena Rizzo at the Dom, in Denmark with Redzepi at Noma, and in Spain with Andon Luis at the Mugaritz and at the Ferran Adrià with El Bulli who Giacomello considers his master above all.

The experience in Spain inspires Terry Giacomello to radically change his ways of thinking about cooking, he began to experiment with prime ingredients transforming them into the small masterpieces that define his success. His gastronomic philosophy is based on the research of each element and the creation of unusual combinations.

After his experience abroad, he returned to Italy and worked with Sergio Mei and at the Four Seasons, then opened the Inkiostro restaurant in September 2015, winning a Michelin star that same year, in December, thanks to his “high-quality cuisine, an excellent selection of prime ingredients combined with vanguard techniques resulting in seemingly simple refined dishes, defined by an absolute knowledge of the ingredients”.

Terry Giacomello: the recipes of Michelin starred chef come to Forte Village

Forte Village is home to Celebrity Chefs, from the 1st to the 3rd of September 2019 guests can experience the special dishes of the renowned chef: Terry Giacomello.

Characteristic of his cuisine is the attention to typical and traditional products prepared and cooked with innovative methods conceived by the collaboration between the chef and a Chemistry and Physics teacher at the university of Parma, the home city of Terry Giacomello’s restaurant. His culinary revolution is also defined by his special herb garden.

The preparation of his dishes can take up to 18 days, with techniques that include dehydration, emulsions, sous vide, gelifications, deep freezing and foams. Every ingredient is treated to maximize its potential, though always respecting the seasons and only using what nature offers at that given time of the year.

Giacomello’s motto is: “To present unique things and create to avoid being bored”, offering his clients a unique gastronomical experience.

The love and passion put into his work have made him known as the chef who always has a smile in his pocket, humble with and protective of his collaborators, because as he says: “the brigade is always a team”.

“Create against boredom, this is my philosophy. My desire is to make dishes that allow the clients to have an experience”.

For the guests at Forte Village, Terry Giacomello creates an unsalted cod/baccala.


Unsalted cod/baccala


The red radish sauce: peel and cut the potatoes into thin slices, lightly brown them with sunflower q.b oil then add water until the potatoes appear overcooked. In the meantime, cut the leaves of the red radish and keep only the red part. Whiten them by immersing in boiling water and vinegar. Cool in water with ice. Strain the radish and mash with the previously boiled potatoes. Pass through a colander to obtain a smooth sauce without lumps. Salt as desired. Pine honey air: reduce the pine tree honey to half by cooking. Add 80 grams of water and mix until the honey has completely melted. Add soy lecithin then mix in a way to obtain air. Chinotto orange juice: reduce the chinotto juice to half by heating. The result will be a dense syrup similar to molasses. Put the piece of cod into sous vide with 20 grams of sunflower oil. Cook in Bain-Marie at 68° for 8 minutes. Pine shoots: wash with Amuchina, put in a glass container with 100 gr of water and 40 gr of salt. Ferment for 5 days.


Skin the cod and dust the fish, only on the side where the skin was, with triphala powder. On the base of the plate, put a spoonful of the red radish sauce. Add the Chinotto orange reduction, on the sides, put the pine tree honey air then lay down the piece of cod and garnish with the pine shoots.

Ingredients for 4 people:

  • 480 grams of unsalted codfish
  • 40 grams of potatoes
  • 120 gr red radish
  • 500 gr water
  • 180 gr red wine vinegar
  • 200 gr pine honey
  • 180 gr bottled natural water
  • 2,5 gr soy lecithin
  • 100 gr pine shoots
  • 4 gr maldon salt
  • 100 gr fresh Chinotto orange juice
  • 16 gr triphala (Indian spice )

Would you like to discover Terry Giacomello’s cuisine is a true paradise focused on taste and relax? Discover Forte Village Resort In Sardinia.


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