chef rocco iannone

Rocco Iannone: Summer recipe at Forte Village

Rocco Iannone: the head chef at Forte Gourmet restaurant

“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well if one has not dined well” said the great English writer Virginia Woolf, however there is no fear of this for the guests of Forte Village since the arrival of Forte Gourmet restaurant run by chef Rocco Iannone.

Among the national and international celebrity chefs at the resort there is Rocco Iannone, best known for his reinterpretation of traditional Italian classic dishes.

The quality and the variety of the food served is a flagship of Forte Village, one can discover the trends that define the contemporary preparation of food and wine.

At the Forte Gourmet restaurant you can taste delicious Italian dishes, one of the most loved cuisines around the world, prepared by Chef Iannone using the freshest local produce

Culinary art is a combination of creativity and technique and a mixture of tradition, experimentation and innovation. The Forte Village hosts an array of Michelin-starred Gourmet restaurants like the Terrazza San Domenico by Massiliano Mascia (2 Michelin Stars), Heinz Beck Restaurant by Heniz Beck (3 Michelin Stars ) and the Carlo Cracco Restaurat by Carlo Cracco (1 Michelin Star) to name a few.

Rocco Iannone: the secret is in the ingredients

Rocco Iannone was an apprentice in some of the best restaurants in the world before winning the award at Pappacarbone, Cava de’ Tirreni in the province of Salerno.

He is the head chef of Forte Gourmet, an enchanting restaurant within resort where you can rediscover traditional Italian cooking.

Iannone always respects the seasonal circles of Mother Nature and the ingredients it provides.

Italian cuisine is famous around the world for the use of its delicious and fresh ingredients and for the simplicity of its recipes. Simple but not plain” says Rocco Iannone that distinguishes his dishes with knowledge, attention to detail, passion and natural products, allowing the client to appreciate each ingredient

The chef’s recipes allow us to rediscover the flavor of traditional Italian cuisine, a gastronomic heritage that should be maintained and divulged. Iannone demonstrates that we can still be sur-prised by local raw ingredients

Chef Iannone’s Mediterranean cuisine is genuine, delicious and harmonious. After getting a de-gree in restaurant service, he received a prize from the magazine L’Espresso for being the best young chef of Europe, assigned by Unique in 2000. Before running the kitchen at Pappacarbone, the restaurant on the Costiera Amalfitana, he worked in Italy, Japan, France and Montecarlo

Let’s discover together how to prepare stuffed ravioli with swiss chard and white fish sauce, the recipe that Rocco Iannone made for the guests at Forte Village.

Stuffed Ravioli with Swiss chard and white fish sauce


  • 200 gr of egg pasta
  • 190 gr of cooked Swiss chard and then cooled
  • 300 gr of sheep ricotta cheese
  • 50 gr of julienne-cut sun dried tomatoes
  • 1 teaspoon of wild origan
  • 10 courgette flowers
  • 400 gr of mussels
  • 400 gr of clams
  • 150 gr of cleaned little squids -100 gr of white shrimps
  • 1 milligram of extra virgin olive oil
  • 30 gr of Taggiasca olives


  1. For the filling finely shred the cooked Swiss chard, then add the sifted sheep ricotta cheese, salt, pepper and the julienne-cut sun dried tomatoes.
  2. Lay out the egg pasta and position the filling, creating little ravioli.
  3. Prepare the sauce by lightly frying the courgette flowers with the Taggiasca olives cut into little cubes, the shelled mussels and clams with a little water.
  4. Add the chopped baby squids and the shrimps then leave to rest.
  5. Serve with some basil leaves and fresh olive oil.

Would you like to experience the extraordinary beauty of Sardinia and have a dreamy vacation full of flavor and wellbeing? Discover the Forte Village Resort in Sardinia.    

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