Giuseppe Bissacot: head chef of the Pineta restaurant at Forte Village

When we dream of the ideal vacation, we imagine being surrounded by untouched nature, to swim in a crystal clear sea like Sardinia and to try delicious gourmet food prepared by first class chefs like Giuseppe Bissacot at the Pineta restaurant at the Forte Village Resort.

Among the team of national and international chefs at the resort, there is Giuseppe Bissacot, Executive Sous Chef at the Pineta restaurant.

Everyday the Pineta offers a wide variety of dishes and a rich buffet of Italian recipes, including themed evenings and events.

The quality and the variety of the food available at Forte Village, creates a culinary trail through the latest gastronomical trends.

Experimentation, innovation, and tradition are the main characteristics of the wide range of restaurants present at the resort: Terrazza San Domenico by Michelin starred chef Massimiliano Marcia, the Belvedere and the Forte Gourmet restaurants and The Cinnamon Club by the award-winning chef Vivek Singh who specializes in traditional Indian cooking with a modern interpretation.

The restaurants at Forte Village offer top quality food prepared by national and international chefs.

The mixture of Sardinian cuisine with a touch of international flavors combined with authentic Italian ingredients makes space for an unforgettable culinary experience.

The restaurants at Forte Village conquer even the most demanding clients who can discover the traditions of Sardinia and flavors of different cultures.

There is a special Ristorante dei Bambini, especially for children with a menu created by Rosanna Marziale who uses local products.

Giuseppe Bissacot: the recipe prepared by the chef for Forte Village

He traveled from the region of Veneto to Sardinia, from steep mountains to beautiful beaches. Giuseppe Bissacot is an Executive Sous Chef at the Pineta restaurant of Forte Village.

“I was born looking at the horizon of the Feltre mountains, I grew as a professional looking at the Sardinian sea. My cooking unites the two extremes of my life. Liberty, fantasy, opening in every dish” says the chef as he explains his cooking.

Bissacot has thought of a recipe with Trenette pasta with basil, clams and raw sea urchins, a dish that features the sea and an Indian spice.

Basil is one of the most popular ingredients in Italian cuisine, it initially grew far away, more precisely in India and in tropical Asia.

In the Bel Paese, middle Orient and Greece, the use of basil was spread in 350 B.C with Alexandre the Great, meanwhile, in XVI it was cultivated in England and brought to America because of migrations.

The plant is the principal ingredient of pesto alla Genovese, this delicious aromatic herb is often used in preparing salads, soups, sauces and vegetable, fish or meat based dishes.

It’s essential oil is used in the preparation of liquors and perfumes, with the distillation of the fresh herb it’s possible to create an essence containing eucalyptus and eugenol.

Basil is used in Ayurveda, a traditional Indian medicine practice found also in the Decameron written by Italian writer: Giovanni Boccaccio.

After this brief historical introduction to basil, let’s discover the steps to create a dish thought by chef Giuseppe Bissacot.


Trenette pasta with clams and raw sea urchin

Knead the flour with the semolina and eggs with the mashed basil. Roll out the pasta and cut out the Trenette. Bake the tomatoes in the oven with aromatic herbs and lemon peel; to one side, open the clams on an oven dish. Chop the garlic and parsley together and join it to the clams with open shells keeping their water and also the tomatoes.

Mix in the Trenette pasta and the raw sea urchins.

Ingredients for 4 people:

  • 200 gr of cherry tomatoes
  • aromatic herbs
  • lemon zest
  • 500 gr of clams
  • 15 sea urchins
  • garlic
  • parsley
  • 250 gr of flour
  • 100 gr of semolina
  • 3 eggs
  • basil
  • one spoon of olive oil


Would you like to have an unforgettable vacation in a true paradise made of haute cuisine and relax? Discover Forte Village Resort In Sardinia.


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