Giovanni Egidio Mocci: chef of Cavalieri restaurant at Forte Village

Giovanni Egidio Mocci: chef of Cavalieri restaurant at Forte Village

Sardinia is the perfect destination for an unforgettable vacation, it offers unspoiled nature, long moments of relaxation on the soft white sand beach and all the aromas and flavors of gourmet cuisine prepared by great chefs which includes Giovanni Efisio Mocci, chef at the Cavalieri restaurant of the Hotel Castello at the Forte Village Resort of Santa Margherita di Pula.

The wide variety of gourmet restaurants is a great feature at Forte Village, among the many exponents of national and international cuisine is Giovanni Efisio Mocci, chef of the Cavalieri restaurant.

Cavalieri is an elegant 5 star restaurant surrounded by the beautiful gardens of Forte Village, it offers exclusive evenings accompanied by piano music while enjoying refined dining. Every day the rich buffet is made of Italian and Sardinian dishes plus Live Cooking and, furthermore, all deserts and ice-creams are freshly made every day.

The restaurants at the resort truly provide a gastronomical journey that passes through Terra San Domenico run by Massimiliano Mascia, the restaurant run by Celebrity chef Heinz Beck and the Cinnamon Club run by Vivek Singh Not to be forgotten are the Forte Gourmet and the Belvedere, national and international menus which unite traditional flavors the latest trends.

Each menu has a story behind it, the beautifully plated recipes will conquer even the most demanding clients with the perfect combination of flavors and tastes. The recipes made by the celebrity Chefs at the resort are the result of an attentive research and selection of each ingredient. Every bite of this fantastic food is truly a great experience for the guests at the resort.

The conscious mixture of traditions and innovation transforms the dishes into a work of art. Local dishes become masterpieces, a tribute to Italian gastronomical history and to specialties around the world.

Giovanni Efisio Mocci: a recipe set between sea and land, a tribute to Sardinia

Extraordinary beauty, like that of the protected marine areas combined with one of the oldest gastronomical traditions of the Mediterranean, in a word: Sardinia.

The traditional cuisine of the island is made of various ingredients, flavors, and recipes which Giovanni Efisio Mocci, chef of Cavalier Restaurant at Forte Village, takes in and transforms into unforgettable Sardinian culinary experiences for the guests at the resort.

“My cuisine maintains the colors, the flavors and the freshness of Sardinia, my island” explains the chef, “infinite treasures from the land and from the sea provide us every day with an entire menu”.

Among Mocci’s recipes is the small sole fish pie with a heart of scampi shrimps, lobster salad and Italian Agretti, the salty taste profile of the Sardinian sea using this vegetable of many names.

In fact, Agretto is called liscari or lischi in the Romagna region, rospici, roscani or arescani in the Marche region, and riscoli in Umbria. It’s a vegetable commonly known at barba dei frati – Friars beard, because When picked in a bunch it resembles a beard of the cappuchin Friars, it is quite similar to chives because of the juicy, long, bright green leaves.

The botanical name of the Friars beard is Salsola soda, it’s a halophyte plant meaning a species which requires salty, alkaline or brackish water to develop. In the past, Salsola was used in factories for making glass and soap by using the bicarbonate of sodium extracted from the ashes after a combustion.

In Venice for example, the plant was grown in the Lagoon to supply soda, the name used many years ago was bicarbonate of sodium, to the glass factories of Murano and others in the area.

In the 19th century, factories stopped using the halophyte plant as a resource for the production of soda, instead, it became an important ingredient in Italian and international cuisine.

All we need to do now is follow chef Giovanni Efisio Mocci’s recipe step by step.

Sole fish pie with a heart of scampi shrimps, lobster salad, Agretto vegetable spaghetti.


Lay on a board two shelled and platted together scampi shrimps, wrap them with the sole fish and hold everything with toothpicks so it all stays compact while it’s being cooked. Dust with some flour and put in a hot pan with a little oil, flip over and blend with white wine, then add salt and remove the toothpicks.

Put the julienne cut vegetables on a plate and add the small fish pie. Dress the lobster claws with salt, oil and lemon juice then arrange on the top of each little pie.

Finally, add the juices from the cooking over everything.

Ingredients for 4 people:

  • 8 filets of sole fish
  • 4 scampi shrimps
  • 2 lobster claws
  • 1 courgette
  • 1 carrot
  • daikon
  • 2 lemons
  • Flour
  • 1 glass of dry white wine
  • Olive oil

Would you like to have an unforgettable vacation in a true paradise offering wellbeing and flavor? Discover the Forte Village Resort In Sardinia


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