Antonello Arrus, the Sardinian head chef at the Belvedere restaurant

Antonello Arrus, head chef at the Belvedere restaurant.

Forte Village is the perfect destination for those wanting a vacation surrounded by unspoiled nature, wellbeing treatments like those available at Acquaforte Thalasso & Spa, a temple of relaxation, and original dishes prepared by the best national and international chefs such as Antonello Arrus.

When one speaks of gourmet cuisine Antonello Arrus name is bound to enter the conversation, Michelin starred and the Executive chef of the Belvedere restaurant located at Forte Village Resort near Santa Margherita di Pula on the south coast of Sardinia.

The Belvedere has a marvelous terrace overlooking the park of the resort. Arrus has guided the kitchen team since 2003, his cuisine is defined by the flavors of traditional Italian and Sardinian cooking with a distinct touch of creativity.

Forte Village is the perfect destination for those who desire to be immersed in new gastronomical experiences and discover unforgettable tastes.

The guests of the Forte Village can choose from a wide range of restaurants by Michelin starred chefs: the Belvedere run by Antonello Arrus, the Terrazza di San Domenico run by Michelin starred chef Massimiliano Mascia, the Forte Gourmet, the Cavalieri and The Cinnamon Club run by the multi-prized chef Vivek Singh.

The resort focuses on providing excellent quality choices for those who wish to discover the latest trends and interesting recipes that are balanced by innovation, tradition and experimentation.

Antonello Arrus is a chef in the National and international team of Forte Village, his dishes symbolize Italian cuisine, famous around the world for the simplicity and high quality ingredients, and are a tribute to Sardinia.

Antonello Arrus: the recipe dedicated to Forte Village

Antonello comes from Teulada, he is now leading the team of the Belvedere restaurant at Forte Village. The secret of his light cooking is the reinterpretation of Sardinian dishes with a modern approach and spiced with a touch of international ingredients.

“Simplicity is everything. It is the secret of Italian cuisine. It is the sun of my island, Sardinia, which accompanies my dishes in every season. It’s my goal, always” says the chef as he explains his idea of cooking.

For the guests of the resort, Antonello Arrus has thought of a recipe with sea bass, the bright colors of asparagus, saffron and the unmistakable smell of time.

Sea bass is very common over the peninsula and is often used in Italian recipes. Tasty and without any bones, it can be prepared in many ways: grilled, baked, with a salt crust or in court bouillon, an aromatic broth with salty water, celery, carrots, and onion but also has other variants.

Asparagus can also be prepared in many ways, in Italy they are often tossed in a pan with butter or butter with Parmesan, sometimes they are cooked with eggs or they can be used in a risotto or soups.

Asparagus were used in the Roman Empire, apart from being loved by the Roman emperors of the time, celebrities like Cato, Pliny, and Apicius described methods to cultivate and prepare the vegetable.

At first, saffron was grown in Greece, it is considered one of the most antique and expensive spices of the world with medical and aphrodisiac properties. Cleopatra, queen of Egypt, used it to paint her nails and eyelids, Homer mentioned in his work, in Rome, it was used for cosmetics and painting, and the Crocus savitus flower, origin of the precious spice, is mentioned in the Song of Solomon in the Bible.

Not only saffron has been used throughout history, time was also used in Ancient Egypt for its antibacterial and antiseptic properties.

Today we use it as an aromatic herb to season fish, meat, vegetables, beans or as part of condiments and oils to flavor traditional Mediterranean dishes.

After this brief history to discover the ingredients components of Antonello Arrus recipe, let’s discover the passages for preparing the line caught bass, on a bed of asparagus with saffron and time flower sauce.


Fillet of line caught sea bass on a bed of asparagus with saffron and time flowers.


Fillet the sea bass. Make a broth with carrots, celery, onion, shallot, time, marjoram and basil. Reduce it for about three hours, then filter and put aside. Lightly boil the asparagus in water for around 2 minutes then cool in water and ice. Keep nearby. Brown the sea bass. Toss the asparagus in a pan with olive oil, salt, and pepper. Reduce the gelatinous fish gravy, add the saffron and compose the plate.

Ingredients for 4 people:

  • 600 gr of sea bass fillet
  • 150 gr of asparagus
  • 5 saffron pistils
  • 25 gr of onion
  • 25 gr of celery
  • 25 gr of carrots
  • 25 gr of shallots
  • time, marjoram, basil
  • 1 glass of Vermentino
  • 1 liter of sea bass gravy
  • 2 spoons of olive oil

Would you like to have an unforgettable vacation in a true paradise made of haute cuisine and relax? Discover Forte Village Resort In Sardinia.


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