perché ballare fa bene alla salute?

The benefits of dance on body and mind

Why is dancing good for mental and physical health?

Dance is one of the best allies of health. In fact, its beneficial effects on body and mind help to regain psychophysical harmony.

Dancing is not only a fun activity but also a healthy one. This is also demonstrated by the study “Influencing Self-rated health among adolescent girls with dance intervention”. This study, coordinated by physiotherapist Anna Duberg of the Örebro University Hospital in Sweden, involved 112 girls aged 13-19 who did not practice dance and who often resorted to the help of the school nurse due to psychosomatic problems.

59 of the girls joined in a group which regularly danced twice a week. The other 53 girls kept their lifestyle habits.

The experiment included 75-minute dance lessons, twice a week for 8 months. During the lessons the girls had to focus on the joy of movement rather than performance.

The results of Dr. Duberg’s study highlighted the benefits of dance for body and mind. Indeed, the girls who participated in the dance activity found an improvement in their health compared to those in the control group, showing that regular practice helps prevent moodiness and depression, but also increases self-esteem and the ability to cope with everyday difficulties.

Most of all, the effects were still visible eight months after the end of the activity and 91% of the 59 girls stated that being part of the dance group had been a positive experience.

Dr Duberg said that facing stress, psychosomatic symptoms and other potential issues related to being a teenage girl, dance can create strong participation and a positive experience, directing participants to new healthy habits. In the long run, this can lead to a healthier lifestyle.

Over the years there have been numerous studies that have analyzed the benefits of dance on the psychophysical health both of young and adults. One example is a study published in Circulation, the scientific journal of the American Heart Association. The study found that attending dance classes is good for the health. In particular, the volunteers who attended the salsa lessons twice a week for four months improved their ability to move and dedicated more time to physical activity with a consequent improvement in psychophysical conditions.

Which are the benefits of dance on body and mind?

You don’t need to be a professional dancer to enjoy the benefits of dance. You just have to practice it regularly to keep fit and improve your mood.

Here are the main positive effects of dancing on body and mind:

  • Improvement in joint mobility, coordination, balance and posture;
  • Lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels, preventing heart attack;
  • Greater consumption of calories, contrasting osteoporosis and metabolic diseases such as diabetes;
  • Strengthening of the bones and toning of the muscles of the legs, glutes, arms and abdominals;
  • Reduction in heart rate, blood pressure, blood fats;
  • Stimulation of lipid metabolism and peripheral circulation, improving the health of the skin;
  • Increase in breathing capacity, strength and endurance;
  • Enhancement of cognitive abilities, such as memory, attention and concentration, protecting the brain from neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s;
  • Greater awareness of one’s body, sense of rhythm and creativity;
  • Increased self-esteem, helps to overcome shyness, stimulates endorphin production, reduces anxiety, stress and negative emotions, such as anger or sadness;
  • Promotion of socialization thanks to group lessons.

Dance Academy: the Forte Village Resort dance school

Do you want to learn to dance, improve your posture, move elegantly thanks to dance lessons with the best professionals? If you can’t resist the rhythm of the Caribbean or the timeless beauty of a tutu, the right place for you is the Forte Village Dance Academy. Forte Village is the award-winning resort surrounded by the beautiful Sardinian sea.

From May 30 to September 3, thanks to the teachers of the Dance Academy, you can improve your dancing skills, whatever style you prefer. You can choose between classical ballet, modern dance, Latin American dance, Caribbean dance, social dance, zumba, hip-hop, musical, aerial dance and pole dance.

Group lessons are divided by age groups: children aged 6 to 12, teenagers and adults. They take place from Monday to Sunday at the following times:

  • from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM;
  • from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM.
    On request you can book individual lessons. In addition, all participants will receive the official Forte Village Dance Academy kit.

In addition to dance, at Forte Village there is space for all kinds of sports. Netball, rugby, fencing, swimming, up to the Hockey Academy by Legends, are just a few.

Moreover, in 2022 there are a few new entries. In fact, the selection of sports academies is enriched by the new Climbing Academy, where children and teenagers can discover all the secrets of climbing.

But the accessible luxury resort has also two new courts located within the tennis club where Paddle enthusiasts can play freely with their friends or train with the best professional instructors on request to perfect their style.

Do you want to improve your dance techniques and experience a dream vacation in a real paradise? Discover the Forte Village Resort in Sardinia.

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