Che cos’è il Metaverso? Entra nel futuro con il Forte Village Resort

What is the Metaverse? Step into the future with Forte Village Resort

Discovering the Metaverse, a futuristic virtual universe that awaits you at Forte Village

A taste of the future and exciting adventures in the heart of Sardinia at Forte Village Resort.

A new future awaits us: the Metaverse. This virtual universe is developed in the digital world, its “matter” is composed of information and data (related to the objective universe) and the structure is space-time, exactly like that of the physical universe.

Put simply, it is an immersive 3D virtual environment in which people can interact in real-time using avatars, or “digital representations” of themselves: a sort of virtual world in which you can socialise, work, play and even shop.

It is a world that resembles everyday life but cancels the limits of space and allows users to interact in a more direct and immediate way than social networks to carry out activities actively and engagingly.

The experience in the Metaverse is made possible by infrastructures and devices such as virtual reality (AR), augmented reality (AR), blockchain and superfast connections and, of course, a gigantic amount of data and information.

The concept of the Metaverse was first introduced in 1992 by science fiction writer Neal Stephenson in his novel “Snow Crash”, in which he describes a virtual world called the “Metaverse”, a free space with clubs, shops and streets created by independent programmers in a futuristic Los Angeles where people come into contact and move thanks to their avatars.

Since then, the term has been adopted by the tech community to describe the evolution of virtual and augmented reality towards a more complete and shared experience and gained prominence when Mark Zuckerberg announced that the holding company that aggregates Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram would be called “Meta”.

In addition, it has invested more than $10 billion in the Metaverse project, closely followed by other big techs, including Microsoft, which has also announced projects in the virtual world.

How does it work and what are the possibilities offered by the Metaverse?

In most cases it will not be complicated to access the Metaverse: it may be, in fact, sufficient to own a smartphone or a computer, an internet connection powerful enough to withstand the entrance to virtual reality and subscribe to one of the platforms that offer this innovative experience.

Very useful, without a doubt, is a virtual reality viewer (VR viewer) to make the experience even more immersive and realistic.

In addition to signing up to the platform (each will have its own specific rules) and login, users will have to create an avatar that represents them in the Metaverse.

From that moment on, a wide range of opportunities will open up, ranging from the prospects of entrepreneurial and work growth, shopping, education, sociability and leisure.

According to early estimates, in 2026 25% of people will spend at least one hour a day in the virtual world.

Today, the Metaverse is still under development. Many companies and organisations are working to create the platforms and technologies necessary to make it a full-fledged reality as soon as possible. 

Some examples of current metaverses include multiplayer online games, such as Second Life and Minecraft, and virtual reality platforms such as Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.

A taste of the future at Forte Village Resort

Are you curious about the Metaverse and want a taste of it as soon as possible?

Forte Village, an award-winning resort with affordable luxury immersed in a fairy-tale setting in Santa Margherita di Pula (Cagliari), accompanies you to experience the immersive world of the Metaverse. The resort is the perfect place for those who want to experience a wonderful holiday of relaxation, comfort, fun and well-being and discover this wonderful invention.

Among the innovations put in place for 2023, is the chance of finding oneself, through the use of cutting-edge technologies, in a new digital world where the possibilities are endless.

At the prestigious resort, you will have the opportunity to explore new landscapes, interact with digital characters and get involved with exciting adventures.

Would you like to experience the incredible world of the Metaverse in an authentic paradise? Discover Forte Village Resort in Sardinia

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